NJ Lawyer Blog

Holiday Crime - Fact or Fiction

Written by Laura Simon | Nov 25 2020

Holiday Crime 

If you’ve watched the news, or a certain Christmas movie, you might be prone to believe that crime rates go up as the holiday season approaches. Horror stories of purses snatched from cars, kids snatched from malls, and shopping sprees with stolen credit cards plague our screens. However, studies do not entirely support this melodrama. According to a report by the U.S. Department of Justice, crime rates do not definitively rise in the winter. For household property crimes, data indicates that there are higher rates of crime in the summer and lower rates during the rest of the year. For violent crimes like assault, a similar pattern arises. There is no clear pattern reflected in data regarding motor vehicle theft, though- so you’re best locking your car doors all year round.

What’s most important to remember as we head into the holiday season, sensational news headlines aside, is to proceed smartly and with caution. Lock your doors when necessary, keep an eye on your kids, and make sure your bank has a proactive fraud alert system. And maybe, in the true spirit of the holidays, set up some booby traps throughout your house to stop home invaders in their tracks.

During the holiday season, should you be in need of an attorney, call Simon Law Group at 800-709-1131 or fill out the form below and we can call you. Alternatively, we now offer texting, just click the text box in the lower right of your screen and we will respond as quickly as we can.  We hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season.

Sources: https://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/spcvt.pdf

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