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Bankruptcy Scammers

If you have recently filed or are in the process of filing a bankruptcy petition, be on the lookout for scammers.  As reported by the National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys (NACBA), the scam is initiated by a phone call to the bankruptcy client with a request that money be sent to the “attorney” making the call.  Phone scammers are targeting bankruptcy filers in several states, using personal information from filings and posing as attorneys to get intended victims to immediately wire money to satisfy a debt. NACBA issued a warning that “Under no circumstances would a bankruptcy attorney or staff member telephone a client and ask for a wire transfer immediately to satisfy a debt nor would the bankruptcy attorney and staff ever threaten arrest if a debt isn’t paid.”  So far, the two states where this has occurred are New Hampshire and Virginia but consumers should be vigilant.  Simon Law Group has qualified bankruptcy attorneys to help you.

By, Ron Reich, Esq.



Bankruptcy Filers Continue to be Targeted by Scammers

The National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys(NACBA) is urging members to remain in communication with present and past clients regarding bankruptcy "con-artists" posing as attorneys.

Over the past few weeks, NACBA has issued a consumer bulletin and been in contact with the courts and media regarding this well orchestrated scam. Warnings have been issued by the Office of the Attorney General in New Hampshire and by Virginia Eastern District bankruptcy clerk William C. Redden. The warning in Virginia has been posted on the websites of both the Eastern and Western District Bankruptcy Courts.

Despite warnings being issued to the general public, incidents continue to be reported and it is likely this fraudulent activity will spread to other states.

Members of the NACBA Legislative Committee will soon approach the Department of Justice to not only request a deeper investigation into how consumer information is being compromised but also recommend steps that can be taken to further protect the identity of those going through the bankruptcy process.

NACBA is requesting all Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys to warn current and past clients about this scam and to urge these clients not to turn over money to anyone who calls by phone.

Please post the consumer bulletin prepared by NACBA to your law firm website and blog. Also, please send out the warning via email to all current clients.

If any clients report being a target of this scam, please send the basic information to NACBA will compile all info and present to the Department of Justice to further illustrate the need for immediate action.

Call Simon Law Group today and set up your FREE CONSULTATION with a qualified bankruptcy attorney!