Very rarely do divorces occur where both parties leave the relationship happy. A divorce usually carries, a significant amount of anger or bitterness between two people. If a child or children are involved one of these parents may misdirect those feelings into trying to turn the child against the other parent. The desire to show the child that their other parent doesn't care as much as they do can manifest in several ways. Often it presents itself as the spreading of lies, constant victimization and attempting to sever contact with the other parent.
Sometimes there is a malicious intent when trying to turn the child against the other parent. They may be using the child's resistance or coldness as a form of punishment. In the heat of a divorce, where tensions are running extremely high and every nerve is frayed, there may be no insidious intentions. It may be that the parent is unable to healthily process their own emotions.
Yet the child is still being damaged, too young to process this anger or feel the need to protect a parent they view as being a victim. These interactions can have repercussions long term, not only the child's relationship to their parents, but also the child's relationships with others. The way we act around our children has untold consequences on their future.
In a divorce with children involved, the court will always seek to provide them with as much stability as possible. It's their driving mission. All the decisions made by the court are not only attempting to maintain status quo financially between spouses but as close to status quo in the relationship they share with their children.
If you believe that your former spouse is knowingly or unwittingly engaging in parental alienation, it's imperative to inform your attorney. It is also incredibly important to make careful notes of every attempt by your former spouse to stop communication between you and your children. In this case like in nearly all other life situations knowledge is power. When your attorney brings this information before the court, you want to have everything spelled out with date and times.
The courts of New Jersey have begun taking parental alienation as a serious detriment to the healthy development of a child. A family law judge will work with the family to determine what is legitimate destructive alienation and should it exist work with the excised parent to rebuild their bond. If you need representation for a divorce involving parental alienation contact the Simon Law Group today.
If you are seeking representation for a divorce or child custody case call today for a free consultation 800-709-1131 or fill out a contact form on our website for a no-cost consultation.We hope to hear from you today!