Not many topics invoke the sort of emotional response that domestic violence does. For both those accused of the crime and those who are the accusers this will be one of the most emotionally charged moments of their life. Having an experienced attorney, can help guide you down this treacherous path, with guidance and insight.
There are a number of common misconceptions surrounding domestic violence, many of which can be harmful to victims looking to get out of their situations. We as a culture are often uncomfortable discussing what goes on behind someone else's front door. If we want to fix these issues it's beneficial to have a stark, realistic conversation about the facts. The following are just a few examples of the most common misconceptions about domestic violence and the truth behind the myths.
- Domestic violence is uncommon. National studies have estimated that three to four million women will experience domestic abuse every year, and current estimates state that one in every four women and one in every seven men will experience at least one incidence of domestic abuse in their lifetime. It's also, common to hear that domestic violence only happens between a man and woman, but that's false. While 85% of domestic violence is committed against a woman, that leaves men with 15%. Also, it's important to note that it's not only between a man and women, but also between a man and a man and a woman with a woman.
- Domestic violence is caused by drugs or alcohol. Though many attorneys will tell you that there is, in fact, a high correlation between alcohol use and domestic violence, the truth is that the abuser alone is responsible for their actions regardless of mind altering substances. A common way that domestic abusers will attempt to dismiss their actions is by blaming their altered state. However, this is not a viable defense in court, and cessation of usage rarely stops abuse.
- Most domestic violence is isolated. Some believe that there is no use in seeking legal recourse because domestic violence is usually a one-time incident. The truth is that domestic violence is typically seen as a pattern of coercion and violence exerted over another person in a sequence of events using multiple types of violence and threats. Domestic violence is usually a pattern and rarely constitutes a single isolated incident.
- You can easily walk away from a domestic violence. Abusers will often use several types of manipulation to control the victim into staying. Besides there is also the monetary constraints of the abused. Often the abused will have limited access to the funds needed to leave on their own, this is especially true when there are children involved. The abuser may also use the children as a form of manipulation threatening them or telling the victim they will not be able to see their children again if they leave.
Those trapped in a domestic violence situation often feel like there is no light at the end of the tunnel. They may fear that if they seek help they won't be believed, that the abuse will only get worse, or they may be killed. If you are in a domestic abuse situation, or are wrongly accused of committing domestic violence seek out the opinion of a dedicated attorney who will be able to assist you in the court processes. This includes filing for a temporary or final restraining order.
If you are seeking representation for a domestic violence charge call today for a free consultation 800-709-1131 or fill out a contact form on our website for a no-cost consultation.We hope to hear from you today!