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NJ Lawyer Blog

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Disability Discrimination Suit Concerning Medical Marijuana Tossed By Judge

The laws surrounding Marijuana in New Jersey, both recreational and medical, have been evolving...

The Fight For Legalization Heats Up, and How It May Affect You

For those following New Jersey's fight for the decriminalization and one day the legalization of...

Police Scandal Vacates Over 1,500 Drug Cases

After a lab technician was caught mishandling the testing of evidence in drug cases, prosecutors...

Murphy Pushes for Marijuana Legalization but Arrests Remain the Same

Gov. Phil Murphy was elected on a platform strongly built around reforming of marijuana culture and...

You've Been Pulled Over and You've Been Drinking, What Happens Next?

With the invention of ride sharing apps such as Uber and Lyft you would think that DUI’s would be...

NJ Appeals Court Orders Marijuana Classification Be Examined

A Gallup poll released in October showed that 64% of Americans favor the legalization of marijuana,...

Latest on medical marijuana

State and Federal laws have Medical Marijuana patients and providers in limbo

Marijuana smoke is still probable cause...

The State of New Jersey has legalized the use of Marijuana under the 2010 passage of the New...