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NJ DUI Attorney (2)

Additional Tickets You May Get When Charged with a DUI

Spring is finally arriving in New Jersey, and with it comes an upswing in the amount of DUI's/DWI's...

Report Suggests Lowering Alcohol Legal Limit and More In Hopes of Saving Lives

As long as there have been cars, there have been accidents caused by drinking and driving. As...

You've Been Pulled Over and You've Been Drinking, What Happens Next?

With the invention of ride sharing apps such as Uber and Lyft you would think that DUI’s would be...

The Four Major New Jersey Courts

Nobody wants to spend more time than they have to in a New Jersey court of law. Usually if you’re...

NJ Set to Argue Easing of Alcotest Procedures

On January 3rd a state appointed special master will begin a series of hearings to determine...

New Jersey Says No to Drinking and Droning

A measure has passed through the New Jersey legislature that makes it a disorderly person’s offense...

2nd and 3rd DUI Offense in New Jersey, What to Know

Everyone makes mistakes; some are at best inconsequential like forgetting to turn the lights out...

NJ State Attorney General Files Suit against Opioid Manufacturer

On Tuesday State Attorney General Christopher Porrino filed a lawsuit in Essex County Superior...

NJ School District Proposes Random Drug Checks

Livingston New Jersey has proposed a plan to begin random drug tests on high school students within...